Approved Plant Growth Regulator | Crop | Time of application / purpose | a.i. (ppm/gm/%) (Dosage per ha) | Formulation (ml/gm/L tr/kg/%) | Dilution In Water (Litres) / Preparation of solution | Waiting period / PHI between last applicatio n & harvest (days) |
Alpha Naphthyl Acetic Acid 4.5% SL (Na salt) | Mango | Ist spray when tender fruits one of pea size. 2nd spray when fruits one of marble size(about 2 cm diameter) To control Mango malformulation- Before fruit bud differentiations approx.3 months before flowering | 20 ppm 200ppm | – – | 2 ml in 4.5litre. 20 ml in 4.5 ltrs. | – – |
Ethephon 39 % SL | Mango | a)For breaking alternate bearing tendencies | 200 ppm | 770-1025 | 1500-2000 | 26 ml in 10 lit of water |
Ethephon 39 % SL | Mango | b)For Flower induction in juvenile mango | 1000 ppm | 3846- 5128 | 1500-2000 | 5ml in 10 lit of water |
Ethephon 39 % SL | Mango | c)Post-harvest treatment (For Uniform Ripening) | 500 ppm | 1923- 2564 | 1500-2000 | 26 ml in 10 lit of water |
Paclobutrazol 23% SC (W/W) / (25% W/V) (Import Source:- ZENECA Agrochemicals, Fernhurst, Haslemere, Surrey, UK) | Mango | To reduce the inter node length of new shoots and earlier formation of terminal bud. Favourably, influence the fruit bud production, fruit colour and harvest yield 7-15yrs old 16-25 yrs.old >25 yrs old Application after the harvest of fruits (Any time from July to Oct) | – – – | 15 ml. Per tree 20 ml. Per tree. 25-40 ml. Per tree (Note: If the soil is sandy the rate of application may be reduced to 75 % of the recommen ded. For repeat use the rate of application can be 50 to 75 % of the rate used in the 1st year) | Recommended quantity diluted in clean water of 5-10 lit. and applied in furrow 5 to 10 cm deep about 30 cm away from the trunk. Fill up with soil after applicatio n or apply as soil – collar drench. | – |
Paclobutrazol 23% SC (W/W) / (25% W/V) (Import Source:- PGR International Pty. Ltd., 4 Dairy road, Werribee Vic. 3030 Australia) | Mango | To reduce the inter node length of new shoots and earlier formation of terminal bud. increase fruit bud production, and improve fruit yield texture 16-25 yrs old Application after the harvest of fruits (Any time from July to Oct) | 4.0 gm per tree – | 16 ml. Per tree (Note: If the soil is sandy the rate of application be reduced to 75 % of the recommen ded. For repeat use the rate of application can be 50 to 75 % of the rate used in 1st year) | Make a round furrow about 5 to 10 cms deep at least 30 cm away from the trunk. Mix the recommended dose with about 5-10 litres of clean water and apply to the furrow. Fill up with soil after application and irrigate once or twice a month subsequently | Waiting Period-NIL as the chemical is applied 8 months before harvest of fruits |
Paclobutrazol 23% SC (W/W) / (25% W/V) (Indigenous manufacture) | Mango | To reduce the inter node length of new shoots and earlier formation of terminal bud. Favourably, influence the fruit bud production, fruit colour and harvest yield 7-15 yrs old 16-25 yrs old >25 yrs old Application after the harvest of fruits (Any time from July to Oct) | – | 15 ml. Per tree 20 ml. Per tree. 30 ml. Per tree (Note: If the soil is sandy the rate of application may be reduced to 75 % of the recommended. For repeat use the rate of application can be 50 to 75 % of the rate used in the 1st year) | Recommended quantity diluted in clean water of 5 lit. and applied in furrow 5 to 10 cm deep about 30 cm away from the trunk. Fill up with soil after application or apply as soil – collar drench. | – |