Govt of India has approved the per kg subsidy on nutrients, namely Nitrogen (N), Phosphate (P), Potash (K)and Sulphur (S) contained in P&K fertilizers covered under NBS policy for Rabi 2022-23 applicable w. e. f. 1st October, 22 to 31st March 22.

DAP Subsidy has been reduced by Rs.1582 per 50 kg bag. Now subsidy on DAP is Rs.48431 per ton during Rabi 2022-23. International prices of DAP have been reduced to around 750 USD from more than 950 USD in last two months.
Subsidy approved by Cabinet for the NBS Rabi-2022 (from 01.10.2022 to 31.03.2023) will be Rs. 51,875 crore including support for indigenous fertilizer (SSP) through freight subsidy.
GoI has taken this step for smooth availability of all P&K fertilizers to the farmers during Rabi 2022-23 at the subsidized / affordable prices of fertilizers and support to the agriculture sector. Government has been absorbed the volatility in the international prices of fertilizers and raw materials, hence Indian Government has decided to absorb the increased prices by increasing subsidy on P&K fertilizers including DAP. The subsidy would be released to fertilizer companies as per approved rates so that they can make fertilizers available to farmers at an affordable price.
Product wise subsidy on various grades of P&K fertilizers covered shall be as under: