Fertilizer Price Analysis: India’s Trends (May 2022 to May 2023)

Insights into International Fertilizer Prices and India’s Trend

Urea (FOB) has witnessed a remarkable price decline, plunging by an impressive 54.02% from USD 722/MT in May 2022 to an enticing USD 332/MT in May 2023, opening doors to significant savings and economic advantage.

DAP (CFR) has experienced a substantial price reduction, with a notable decline of approximately 45.09% from USD 936/MT in May 2022 to an appealing USD 514/MT in May 2023, presenting an alluring opportunity for cost-conscious buyers seeking quality fertilizers.

MOP (CFR) has undergone a significant price decrease, with a notable drop of approximately 28.47% from USD 590/MT in May 2022 to an enticing USD 422/MT in May 2023, offering an appealing prospect for budget-conscious buyers looking to maximize their savings while procuring high-quality fertilizers.

Phosphoric Acid (CFR) has seen a decrease of approximately 35.29%, falling from USD 1530/MT in May 2022 to USD 990/MT in May 2023.

Rock Phosphate (CFR) witnessed a notable decline of approximately 16.99%, sliding from USD 259/MT in May 2022 to a more affordable USD 215/MT in May 2023.

Ammonia (CFR) has experienced a staggering plunge of approximately 71.95%, plummeting from a lofty USD 1319/MT in May 2022 to a remarkably low USD 370/MT in May 2023, offering a significant cost-saving opportunity.

Sulphur (CFR) has undergone a remarkable depreciation, dropping by an astounding 79.26% from USD 516/MT in May 2022 to a mere USD 107/MT in May 2023, presenting an exceptional opportunity for substantial cost savings.