Top Fertilizer Companies in India in NPK & Complex Fertilizer Sector: Know the facts

Top Company in NPK & Complex Sales in India during 2020-21

Source : DOF / mFMS

Coromandel International Limited ranked no.1 top company in India with NPK sale of 2.811 Mn tons.

IFFCO ranked no. 2 top company in India with NPK sale of 2.439 Mn tons.

FACT ranked no. 3 top company in India with NPK sale of 1.202 Mn tons.

Top Company in NPK & Complex Production in India during 2020-21

Source : DOF / mFMS

CIL ranked no. 1 top company in India with highest NPK Production of 2.65 Mn tons.

IFFCO ranked no. 2 top company in India with NPK Production of 2.35 Mn tons.

FACT ranked no. 3 top company in India with NPK Production of 1.11 Mn tons.

Top Company in NPK & Complex Imports in India during 2020-21

Source : DOF / mFMS

Indian Potash Limited ranked no. 1 top company in India with highest NPK Imports of 0.51 Mn tons.

KRIBHCO ranked no. 2 top company in India with NPK Imports of 0.50 Mn tons.

NFL ranked no. 3 top company in India with NPK Imports of 0.19 Mn tons.