Black Sea Urea Monthly Spot Price
The Black Sea Urea price for March 2023 is US $313.5 per ton, which is 12.3% lower than the February 2023 price (US $357.5 per ton) and 65% lower than the price in March 2022 (US $907.89 per ton). There has been a significant decline in the price of Black Sea Urea over the past year.
US DAP Monthly Spot Price (Gulf)
The US DAP spot price (Gulf) for March 2023 is US $606 per ton, which is 1% lower than February 2023 (US $612.5 per ton), and 35% lower than the price in March 2022 (US $938.13 per ton). However, the DAP prices slipped to US $571 per ton in April 2023. There has been a significant decline in the price of DAP fertilizer over the past year and the prices may further decrease.
Morocco Rock Phosphate Monthly Spot Price
The Morocco rock phosphate price for March 2023 is US $345 per ton, which is 7% more than the February 2023 price and 93% more than the price in March 2022 (US $178.75 per ton). There has been a significant increase in the price of Morocco rock phosphate over the past year.
Henry Hub Natural Gas Monthly Spot Price
The Henry Hub Natural Gas Price for March 2023 is US $2.1 per MMBtu, which is 16% lower than February 2023 prices of US $2.5 per MMBtu, and 61% lower than last year during the same month (March 2022 – US $5.32 per MMBtu). There has been a significant decline in the price of natural gas over the past year.