Department of Fertilisers have notified to include Single Super Phosphate (SSP) under freight subsidy regime for Kharif 2022, on pilot basis, which will be at par with P&K fertilisers.
Freight subsidy would be allowed for movement of SSP beyond 200 Kms only.
Rail freight would be allowed on actual basis beyond 200 Kms only.
Road movement freight would be reimbursed on actual basis or as per distance wise slab whichever is lower.
Upto 200 Kms, No freight subsidy will be allowed.
From 201 Kms to 300 Kms., fixed freight subsidy Rs.316 per MT
From 301 Kms to 400 Kms., fixed freight subsidy Rs.407 per MT
No secondary freight on road movement from rail head to block head quarter, would be allowed.