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Nanotechnology in Fertilizers may bring revolutionary change in the global fertilizer market: Nano DAP after Nano Urea

Low uptake of nutrients and loss of nutrients in agricultural fields due to leaching and gaseous emissions are the biggest challenges since beginning. Nanotechnology in fertilizer may be the best solution for this problem.

Nanotechnology in fertilizer can change the world from conventional Fertilizers to nano fertilizers (Nano Urea, n DAP) which may be “The Future of Fertilizer Industry”. Not only, it will be the big boost to Indian Prime Minister vision of “ATMA NIRBHAR BHARAT” in fertilizers in India but will also bring revolutionary change in global fertilizer market, as India is a biggest importer of fertilizers.

Now Nano DAP after launching of nano urea have developed in India.

Recently, University of Hyderabad and International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials jointly have developed nano DAP (n DAP) through industrial viable dry method to generate chemically stable. Nano particles are 5 K times smaller than traditional granulated DAP.  

During the trail on tomato and wheat seedlings, it has been observed that nano DAP is more effective than the granulated DAP and uptake of phosphate is also more compared to traditional DAP.

Phosphatic fertilizers’ nutrient use efficacy is informed less than 20%. As per the research findings, nano DAP enhances nutrient use efficiency with higher absorption rate & minimum losses, resulted higher crop productivity. It is also helping to reduce water, soil, air pollution and in carbon reduction. According to a research, nano encapsulated phosphorus increases yield 10.9% in Maize, 16.7% in Soybean, 28.8% in wheat and 12 – 19.7% in vegetables, in controlled environment.

Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) “World Biggest Cooperative” have launched nano urea in May 2021 and is organizing awareness programs of nano urea in collaboration with various states governments by laying free trails and demonstrations among farmers’ field and educating them for the benefits of nano urea. Uses of nano urea will reduce the subsidy burden of Indian government along with input, storage and logistics costs. IFFCO is also going to set up nano urea fertilizer plant in Argentina in partnership with Cooperar & INAES and with Brazil cooperatives, OCB in Brazil.

Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers in a press-note said that Government of India is encouraging the production of Nano fertilizers in the country and had already notified for inclusion of any Nano fertilizer in Fertilizer Control Order.

According to a report, Nano DAP may also be launched soon by IFFCO after successful field trail and data.

Result of actual efficacy of nano DAP will be known only after field crop trail in various agro-climatic conditions and locations.

If trail of Nano DAP success in field condition just like nano urea, dependency on chemical fertilisers, will reduce drastically and there may be a great revolution in fertiliser industry, which can help not only farmers but also Indian government to reduce dependency on imports and to reduce subsidy burden. It will bring revolutionary change in global fertiliser market.