Herbicide for Sugarbeet

Herbicide name CropsWeed speciesDosage /ha (a.i.)
(gm/ Kg)
Formulation in (gm/ ml /Kg/ ltr)Dilution In Water (Litres)Waiting period /
PHI between last application & harvest (days)
Metamitron 70% SCSugarbeetSedges & Grasses Cynodon dactylon Cyperus rotundus Dactyloctenium aegyptium Broad Leaves Convolvulus arvensis Chenopodium album Parthenium hysterophorus Digera arvensisa) 2-3 leaf stage of weed – 0.7 kg a.i/ha,
b) 4-6 leaf stage of weed – 1.4 kg a.i/ha,
c) 8-10 leaf stage of weed – 1.4 kg a.i/ha
a)2-3 leaf stage of weed – 1kg/ha,
b) 4-6 leaf stage of weed – 2 kg/ha,
c) 8-10 leaf stage of weed – 2 kg/ha