Morocco Rock Phosphate Monthly Spot Price: November 2021
Morocco Rock Phosphate Price for November’ 21 is US $ 153.13 per ton, which is 3.82% more than October'21 i.e. US $147.5, however 186% more than last year during same…
Morocco Rock Phosphate Price for November’ 21 is US $ 153.13 per ton, which is 3.82% more than October'21 i.e. US $147.5, however 186% more than last year during same…
Morocco Rock Phosphate Price for October’ 21 is US $ 147.5 per ton, there is no change in rate with September’ 21 prices, however 186% more than last year during same…
Morocco Rock Phosphate Price for September’ 21 is US $ 147.5 per ton, which is up by 7.76% than August’ 21 prices, however 186% more than last year during same month…
Morocco Rock Phosphate Price for August’ 21 is US $ 136.88 per ton, which is up by 9.5% than July’ 21 prices, however 178% more than last year during same month…
Morocco Rock Phosphate Price for July' 21 is US $ 125 per ton and there is no change with June' 21 prices, however 67% more than last year during same month (July' 2020…
Morocco Rock Phosphate Price for June 21 is US $ 125 per ton which is 21.95% more than May 21 prices of US $ 102.5 per ton and 67% more than last…