Urea road freight rate under the uniform freight subsidy scheme for new districts of West Bengal
Urea road freight rate under the uniform freight subsidy scheme for new districts of West Bengal (16.02.2021)Download
Urea road freight rate under the uniform freight subsidy scheme for new districts of West Bengal (16.02.2021)Download
Road freight rates for Urea manufacturing or Importing Units under the Uniform Freight Subsidy scheme for the newly created districts of Chhattisgarh (25.05.2018)Download
Urea road freight under uniform freight policy amendment (17.06.2016)Download
Reimbursement of Freight Subsidy For Distribution of Fertilizers Through Coastal Shipping and Inland Waterways (17.06.2019)Download
Movement of Imported Fertilizers Within and Beyond 1400 Km - States Linkages From Kamarajar Port (22.02.2019)Download
Urea Normative Road Freight Rates for The Year 2016 For Urea Manufacturing or Importing Units Under the Uniform Freight Subsidy scheme (12.03.2018)Download