Herbicide for Clusterbean

Herbicide name CropsWeed speciesDosage /ha (a.i.)
(gm/ Kg)
Formulation in (gm/ ml /Kg/ ltr)Dilution In Water (Litres)Waiting period /
PHI between last application & harvest (days)
Imazethapyr 35% + Imazamox 35% WGClusterbeanEchinochloa colonum, Euphorbia spp., Digitaria arvensis, Amaranthus viridis.70 g a.i./ha + MSO adjuvant @ 2m/l of water100 g/ha + MSO adjuvant @ 2m/l of water50064
Propaquizafop 2.5% + Imazethapyer 3.75% w/w MEClusterbeanMonocot weeds Cyperus rotundus Digitaria sanguinalis Broad leaved Weeds
Commelina benghalensis
Amaranthus viridis